Steel Division
Steel Pipes, Wire Products & Special SteelSelect Menu
- Steel Bars, Shapes and Construction Materials Depts.
- Steel Sheets Depts.
- Steel Pipes, Wire Products & Special steel
Steel Pipes
Steel pipes made by molding steel into the shapes of pipes are lightweight and strong, so they are used for various purposes such as construction and civil engineering of things like piles for residential use, scaffolding, and mechanical parts, and for gas and water piping. In addition to handling a wide range of products from base materials for electric welded pipe manufacturing to steel pipe processed products, we also sell and contract processing of products that use steel pipes such as packaging materials and pallets. We also export special pipes and oil well pipes to overseas plants.
Wire Products, Special Steel & Titanium
In the wire rods and specialty steel sector, Hanwa handles mother materials, semi-products and finished products. We can accurately identify customers' expanding needs at each stage of the value chain and meet those requirements with our information, distribution and processing capabilities.
As economic globalization progresses, the needs of our customers are becoming even more diverse. This is why our department has professional team devoted exclusively to serving customers in Japan and overseas. We use our global network to accurately and quickly meet customers' needs for both general and specialty products. In addition, we offer many types of support for Japanese customers that are just starting overseas operations. Companies can count on us for assistance in not only the procurement of materials, but logistics, processing and international marketing.