Hanwa Co., Ltd.

Stock and Listing Information

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(As of March 31, 2024)

Number of shares authorized 114,000,000 shares
Number of shares outstanding 42,332,640 shares
Number of shareholders 8,450
(545 less than at the previous year-end)
Fiscal Year from April 1 to March 31
General Shareholders' Meeting June
Date of Record
General Shareholders' Meeting
March 31
Year-end Dividend
March 31
Interm Dividend
September 30
Announcement https://www.hanwa.co.jp/
Management Organization 4-5-33, Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank,Limited. Stock Transfer Agency Department
Unit Share 100 Shares
Stock Exchange Listings Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
Stock Code 8078

Major Shareholders

Name Number of shares held
(thousand shares)
Ratio of voting rights
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 5,637 13.86
Hanwa Clients' Stock Investment Association 2,291 5.63
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 2,103 5.17
JP Morgan Chase Bank 385632 1,738 4.28
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 1,526 3.75
Hanwa Employees' Stock Investment Association 1,095 2.69
DFA Intl Small Cap Value Portfolio 625 1.54
State Street Bank And Trust Company 505223 616 1.52
The Bank of New York Mellon 140044 616 1.52
Nippon Steel Corporation 600 1.48

Note: The Company holds 1,664,411 shares of treasury stock, which is excluded from the major shareholders listed above.

Shareholder Composition

  • The Hanwa Scholarship Foundation Corporate Citizenship